Investing doesn’t have to be an emotional rollercoaster…

Shocking. Just plain shocking.
The Model told me to sell my AAPL stock and I did. I’ve held the stock for a long time. I’ve owned them even before I worked for them.
But, there they were in my Zone Changes section, below the Sell* Threshold. So, I bit the bullet and traded them for stocks in a bank and an equipment manufacturer that were in the Buy* zone, but that I didn’t already own. Sigh.
A bit of an emotional churn. So long, but actually, it didn’t hurt like I thought it would. You see, I’ve become a believer because I have gained so handsomely this past year… and I’m willing to trust the app to take me even further into my 11th and 12th month of operations.
At the same time, I know the drill. I know what I’m supposed to do, and hanging on, hoping for a turnaround, is not the most productive use of my capital or my attention. I think I’ll still keep my selfie with Tim Cook on my LinkedIn page, he doesn’t have to know that I’ve sold the stock.
Hopefully, Tim’s leadership will take Apple back to the Buy* Zone soon, and I can revel in buying them on the next upswing.
Investing doesn’t have to be an emotional rollercoaster, just a profitable one.